The American Rescue Project is an agile non-profit dedicated to making a difference in this world up upheaval, war, and unprecedented migration by inserting ourselves into the fray and doing the thing that needs to be done when governments and larger organizations can not or will not assist in a crisis.
Better the lives of people in areas in crisis by rapidly implementing novel remedies to old problems.
Formed in a time of need for our nation to honor the commitments made to our Afghan allies as the Afghan Rescue Project, but seeing a bigger world picture as Ukraine was engulfed in war, we took on the challenges set before us, expanded our mission, and changed our name. The American Rescue Project...sort of says it all. Americans helping where we can and not shying away.
The American Rescue Project is dedicated to placing value on every single human life and doing all we can to see our way through the fog of crisis to a better place for that person. And if we succeed the ones soon become many.